SMART Academy Healthcare Career Webinars
Learn with Expert Trainers and Industry Leaders across Healthcare Sector
इसमें भाग लेने के लिए 100% निःशुल्क है। हम आपको वेबिनार में देखने के लिए उत्सुक हैं!
- Aug 19, 2024
- 02:00 PM
Webinar on ‘PCOD Awareness and Prevention’
टेक महिंद्रा SMART अकैडमी फॉर हेल्थकेयर, पुणे is organizing a webinar on ‘PCOD Awareness and Prevention’ for all the students and faculties along with other healthcare professionals. The speaker will discuss about the risk factors of PCOD, misconceptions and prevention of PCOD along with the lifestyle management and more.
स्पीकर प्रोफाइल
Dr Sanjay Gupte has more than 43 years of experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and currently a Director of Gupte Hospital and Center for Research in Reproduction. He is also a National Consultant in medicolegal and ethical issues inObstetrics and Gynaecology.