SMART Academy Healthcare Career Webinars

Learn with Expert Trainers and Industry Leaders across Healthcare Sector

इसमें भाग लेने के लिए 100% निःशुल्क है। हम आपको वेबिनार में देखने के लिए उत्सुक हैं!

अभी पंजीकरण करें!

आगामी वेबिनार के लिए जुड़े रहें

Webinar on Indian Logistics Sector: Current Status & Opportunities Ahead

हमारी लॉजिस्टिक्स के लिए SMART अकैडमी, विशाखापत्तनम is conducting a webinar on Indian Logistics Sector: Current Status & Opportunities Ahead with Mr. Deepak Vazirani, Director - Supply Chain in a Leading Organisation. The Webinar is about the Supply Chain Roles for students pursuing course in logistics and Supply chain management

स्पीकर प्रोफाइल

Mr. Deepak Vazirani have an experience of 20 Years in Supply Chain and has done Post Graduation from Symbiosis. He worked at Indian Supply Chain Organization like Sterlite (now Vedanta), Asian Paints, Marico, Abbott, Danone Nutricia  Diversey, managing all the gamut’s of Supply Chain including Planning, Procurement, Manufacturing, 3P Operations, Logistics, Distribution  Customer Service. He also an advisor to Logistics Start-up and was the Executive Director Supply Chain for Diversey Hygiene.

चाबी छीन लेना

You will get the opportunity to learn the following from this engaging session:

Supply Chain Roles for Students Pursuing course in Supply and Logistics

पिछला वेबिनार

टीएमएफ प्रगति रिपोर्ट वित्त वर्ष 2021-22

आपकी सदस्यता सहेजी नहीं जा सकी. कृपया पुन: प्रयास करें।
आपकी सदस्यता सफल रही है।

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