SMART Academy Healthcare Career Webinars

Learn with Expert Trainers and Industry Leaders across Healthcare Sector

इसमें भाग लेने के लिए 100% निःशुल्क है। हम आपको वेबिनार में देखने के लिए उत्सुक हैं!

अभी पंजीकरण करें!

आगामी वेबिनार के लिए जुड़े रहें

उभरते रुझानों पर वेबिनार - फार्मा उद्योग में कोल्ड चेन

हमारी लॉजिस्टिक्स के लिए SMART अकैडमी, विशाखापत्तनम पर एक वेबिनार आयोजित कर रहा है उभरते रुझान - फार्मा उद्योग में कोल्ड चेन साथ Smt Preeti Saluja, Head, Pharma Transport Solutions, B Medical Systems. The Webinar is about the overview of cold chain logistics in India along with the current status and opportunities of cold chain logistics.

स्पीकर प्रोफाइल

Smt Preeti Saluja is currently heading Pharma Transport Solutions, B Medical Systems. She has done her Post Graduation from Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune, 2008 and have an experience of 15 Years in Training, Auditing and Consulting. She has also trained, mentored and certified 5000+ top Pharma Executives on 6.2 Dangerous Goods (DG), IATA training. In 2014, during the outbreak of Ebola Virus, she was chosen to conduct DG trainings (class 6.2) for World Health Organization. She has worked with Worked with embassy of Panama as an assistant in Consular Section from 2003 to 2004 and also worked as a Global Control Centre (GCC) Manager and Quality Head for Marken LLP. She has also contributed in the role of Regional Training Manager for Asia
Pacific Region in World Courier (I) Pvt Ltd.

चाबी छीन लेना

You will get the opportunity to learn the following from this engaging session:

भारत में कोल्ड चेन लॉजिस्टिक्स का अवलोकन

Current status and Opportunities in cold chain Logistics.

कोल्ड चेन लॉजिस्टिक्स में विनियम

पिछला वेबिनार

टीएमएफ प्रगति रिपोर्ट वित्त वर्ष 2021-22

आपकी सदस्यता सहेजी नहीं जा सकी. कृपया पुन: प्रयास करें।
आपकी सदस्यता सफल रही है।

अब सदस्यता लें