This Workshop on Palliative Care Foundation course is ideal for medical practitioners/professionals like doctors, general medical practitioners, nurses and psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists, counsellors, etc., to get familiar with the concept and significance of palliative care for patients with life-limiting illnesses.
Trainees will learn better communication skills in handling situations like breaking bad news to the patients and their families. They will be acquiring knowledge of care in the last days of life as well as pain & symptom management in life-limiting illnesses
Learn from highly qualified palliative care professionals and industry experts. You will get to train under CanSupport- a multi-disciplinary professional palliative care organization and has been organizing these workshops on Palliative Care (since 2001) in collaboration with the Institute-Rotary Cancer Hospital at AIIMS.
Every participant will be receiving a certificate of participation and will be awarded - Continuing Nursing Education (CNE)/Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit hours
This course intends to equip trainees with knowledge and skills to improve pain and symptom control of patients under their care at home, hospital or hospice. It helps in improving their communication skills and handling difficult issues, such as breaking bad news and coping with loss and grief. In addition to that, this course will demonstrate to them the need and viability of a multidisciplinary team approach in providing palliative care to patients
The curriculum of Palliative Care Workshop covers the following modules:
योग्यता | Graduation in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work |
न्यूनतम आयु | 20 साल |
अवधि | 2 days/10-12hrs |
पाठ्यक्रम का तरीका | ऑनलाइन |
स्थान | AIIMS, Healthcare Institutions across Delhi, UP, Haryana & Punjab (due to the COVID-19 pandemic training is conducted online) |
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