Diploma in X-Ray and Imaging Technology Course in Delhi
Welcome to X-ray & Imaging Technology, the field where medical science and technological innovation work together to transform patient diagnosis and management. Our multi-skilled training program has been planned so that it provides the student with all the knowledge and skills essential to pass as an Imaging and X-ray Technician.Be it a high school student who has just finished class and is now looking for his or her first job or a college student trying to major in a healthcare science-related field, our Diploma in X-Ray and Imaging Technology Course offers a profitable and career-oriented job in the healthcare sector.
Join X-ray & Imaging Technology course at SMART Academy for Healthcare to build a career in radiology
Admissions Open for X-ray course!
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इंटर्नशिप के अवसर
Our internship program, supported by industry-leading hospitals in our provider network, offers priceless industrial exposure. Students gain hands-on practical experience and expert guidance to perfect their skills.

अत्याधुनिक इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर
Get involved in practical training in simulated hospital labs equipped with advanced technology, ensuring that you enjoy the right environment to enhance your skills. We have advanced facilities specially designed to mimic the clinical environment where the latest medical equipment is employed to prepare the students for professional surgical settings.

एक्सपर्ट फैकल्टी
Get training sessions from the leading liberal arts health professionals who are passionate about improving your career and aiding you in actualizing your career dreams in the healthcare sector. Our instructors are outstanding, with a deep knowledge background and experience, and therefore, they perform our students' classwork and mentorship of the highest quality.

जॉब स्किल
Our career development activities also include language training, personality development, and computer classes so that you become competitive in the workplace and are made job-ready. These basic skills do not only make you perfect professionally but also prepare you against today's business workplace challenges, putting you ahead of the competition.

प्लेसमेंट सहायता
Enjoy our job assistance services that will guarantee a smooth transition from training to a fulfilling job in healthcare. Our dedicated placement team works in collaboration with leading healthcare institutions to provide career opportunities to our graduates; hence, they are able to launch their careers confidently.
X-Ray and Imaging Technology Course Details
Topics Included
The Radiology Technician course in Delhi covers a wide array of topics essential for students to become proficient Imaging and X-ray Technicians. Here are the topics included in the curriculum:
- इमेजिंग तकनीकों का परिचय
- रेडियोग्राफिक इमेजिंग सामग्री और उपकरण
- एक्स-रे की बेसिक मटेरियल और उत्पादन
- रोगी की पोजिशनिंग
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- विशेष प्रक्रियाएं और कंट्रास्ट मीडिया का उपयोग
- रेडिएशन प्रोटेक्शन
- Basic anatomy, physiology, and pathology
- रेडियोलॉजिकल भौतिकी
- अस्पताल अभ्यास और रोगियों की देखभाल
- रेडियोग्राफिक फोटोग्राफी और डार्क-रूम तकनीक
- Computerized tomography (CT Scan)
- सुरक्षा प्रक्रियाएं और रोगी देखभाल
These topics are carefully selected to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of medical imaging principles, equipment operation, patient care, and safety protocols. By mastering these subjects, students are well-prepared to excel in their roles as Imaging and X-ray Technicians and contribute effectively to the healthcare industry.
कोर्स ओवरव्यू
योग्यता | कक्षा 12 (विज्ञान) |
न्यूनतम आयु | 17 वर्ष |
अवधि | 2 वर्ष |
स्थान | दिल्ली, मुंबई, मोहाली, पुणे और Navi-Mumbai |