Become a certified DC in hospitals and home care scenarios with our one of a kind Diet Counsellor course in Bhubaneswar ,Howrah
Admissions open for certification in DC Course in Bhubaneswar ,Howrah!
Our DC Course affiliated with the Healthcare Sector Skill Council (HSSC)
कोर्स ओवरव्यू
योग्यता | कक्षा 8 |
न्यूनतम आयु | 18 वर्ष |
अवधि | 6 महीने (3 महीने OJT सहित) |
| दिल्ली, मुंबई, मोहाली, पुणे और Navi-Mumbai |
Who is Eligible for DC Course?
Our Diet Counsellor (DC) course is ideal for Class 8th pass students who want to work in hospitals, nursing home settings and provide care to patients.
How does Diet Counsellor course help?
SMART Academy offers certified Diet Counsellor course in Bhubaneswar ,Horwah with a 6-months long HSSC certified curriculum that includes theory and practical DC classes followed by on-job training to enable students to become certified DCs.
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अत्याधुनिक इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर
The Tech Mahindra SMART Academy for Healthcare is a state-of-the-art paramedical training institute offering General Duty Assistant course in Mumbai, Delhi, Navi Mumbai, Mohali and Pune. The academy is equipped with hospital simulated labs & equipment to aid student learning.

एक्सपर्ट फैकल्टी
प्रमुख अस्पतालों में नौकरी ट्रेनिंग पर सामान्य सहायक के रूप में सीखने के साथ-साथ उच्च शिक्षित हेल्थकेयर प्रोफ़ेशनल्स द्वारा पढ़ाया जाता है।

जॉब स्किल
हम उद्योग की मांगों को पूरा करने के लिए छात्रों को अंग्रेजी बोलने, पर्सनालिटी डेवलपमेंट और आईटी कौशल जैसे आवश्यक रोजगार कौशल के साथ मार्गदर्शन करने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं।

प्लेसमेंट सहायता
तकनीकी ट्रेनिंग प्रदान करने के अलावा, हम जीडीए में नौकरी ट्रेनिंग/इंटर्नशिप प्रदान करते हैं। हम स्वास्थ्य सेवा उद्योग में उज्ज्वल कैरियर के लिए छात्रों को प्लेसमेंट सहायता भी प्रदान करते हैं।
Diet Counsellor (DC) Course Details
Diet Counsellor Objective and Curriculum
The Diet Counsellor (DC) course in Bhubaneswar ,Howrah trains students to work as nursing aides in hospitals, nursing homes and home care scenarios. As part of the curriculum, students learn how to provide basic nursing care and manage ill patients. The DC course duration involves 3 months of classroom training followed by 3-months on-going general duty assistant job training. A DC works in close collaboration with doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers. The nursing assistant course lays special emphasis on inculcating empathetic and ethical behaviour beyond patient care. Some of the key responsibilities of the Diet Counsellor are to provide daily care, look after the patient’s comfort, safety and health needs.
The Diet Counsellor (DC) course curriculum covers the following topics:
2.Nutrition health education. Basic food science-
- Carbohydrate
- Protein
- Lipid
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Pregnancy
- Lactation
- Pre school
- Adolescence
- Geriatric
- Circulatory & Cardiovascular System
- Digestive system
- Respiratory System
- Blood
- Excretory System
- Reproductive system
- Endocrinology
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Protein Metabolism
- Fat metabolism
- Bacteria: These single-celled organisms are crucial in fermentation processes (e.g., yogurt, cheese) and can also cause foodborne illnesses (e.g., Salmonella, E. coli).
- Yeasts: These fungi are used in baking and brewing, such as in bread and beer. They can also spoil food.
- Molds: Molds can be beneficial (e.g., blue cheese) or harmful (e.g., producing toxins). They play a role in the aging and fermentation of some foods.
- Viruses: Some viruses can contaminate food and cause illnesses, such as Norovirus and Hepatitis A.
- Pathogenic Bacteria: Include Salmonella, Listeria, and Campylobacter. These bacteria can cause serious foodborne illnesses.
- Viruses: Norovirus and Hepatitis A are common examples. Parasites: Such as Toxoplasma and Trichinella, can also be transmitted through food.
- Microbial Spoilage: Caused by bacteria, yeasts, and molds that lead to undesirable changes in flavor, texture, and appearance.
- Chemical Spoilage: Includes oxidation and enzymatic reactions that affect food quality.
- Heat Treatment: Pasteurization and sterilization kill or inactivate microorganisms. Refrigeration and Freezing: Slow down or halt microbial growth. Drying and Dehydration: Reduce moisture, inhibiting microbial growth.
- Chemical Preservatives: Such as acids, salts, and nitrates, prevent spoilage and pathogenic growth.
- Lactic Acid Fermentation: Used in products like sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt. Lactobacillus bacteria are commonly involved.
- Alcoholic Fermentation: Used in beer and wine production. Yeasts like Saccharomyces cerevisiae are involved.
- Sanitation: Proper cleaning and sanitation of food preparation areas to prevent contamination.
- Hygiene: Handwashing and personal hygiene to avoid introducing pathogens to food.
- Proper Cooking: Ensuring foods reach safe temperatures to kill harmful microorganisms.
- Food and its importance
- नेत्रहीनों की देखभाल
- बेसिक नर्सिंग स्किल्स
- चिकित्सा अपशिष्ट का निपटान
- बॉडी मैकेनिक्स को समझना
- गिरने की रोकथाम देखभाल और संयम
- सामान्य स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता
- रेडियोथेरेपी और प्रेशर सोर के लिए विशेष त्वचा देखभाल
- रोगी देखभाल सहायक की भूमिका
- नुस्खे के अनुसार दवा देना
- रोगी की दैनिक देखभाल
- रोगी को संभालना, उठाना और स्थानांतरित करना
- आपातकालीन प्राथमिक चिकित्सा और सीपीआर
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