Join hands for Advanced COVID Trainings

A Tech Mahindra Foundation Initiative to help India in its fight against COVID

The Advanced COVID Trainings are designed specially for the government, the allied bodies within the healthcare infrastructure and healthcare delivery space as well as social organizations or NGOs working within the communities. These trainings are regularly updated as per the guidelines of World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

Conducted in Hindi, English, Punjabi, Marathi, Telugu and Kannada. Available in online mode only.


Explore the various Advanced COVID Training Modules

Module 1- Infection Prevention and Control for COVID 19

This module aims to acquaint the learner with the infection prevention and control related protocols and policies followed in healthcare setup to contain and manage the spread of SARS CoV-2. At the completion of this module the learner should be able to practice the following in their individual care settings.

• COVID appropriate behavior
• Isolation protocols
• Environmental cleaning and disinfection
• Zoning of patients
• Standard precautions
• Decontamination and sterilization of medical devices

Duration (in Hours): Max 12 hrs
Duration (in Days): 6
Useful for – Anyone, or else Health Care Worker (HCW Class IV), Community Health Worker (CHW), Anganwadis & Hospital Front office
Fee: Free

Module 2 – Clinical Management of COVID 19

As the COVID pandemic spreads its fangs across the globe, nurses and other healthcare professionals must be prepared to recognize, stabilize and treat patients afflicted of the deadly virus. This module covers topics ranging from the detection and categorization of COVID cases, isolation protocols, home quarantine protocols, critical care protocols ,rehabilitative care and psychological support required for the effective clinical management of COVID patients. Following completion of this module nurses, paramedics and frontline workers will have an overview of the clinical management of COVID 19 patients with an evidence –based care approach.

Duration (in Hours): Max 20 hrs
Duration (in Days): 10
Useful for – Nursing staff and above in clinical role
Fee: Free

Module 3 – Occupational Hazard and Safety for HCW in context to SARS-COV-2

The coronavirus pandemic, poses a great challenge to the healthcare workers in terms of occupational safety. Many healthcare workers in different parts of the world have succumbed to the ill effects of the virus. This module addresses the challenges arising from the occupational exposure to corona virus and discusses the strategies for prevention of the same. It empowers the learner with the knowledge of workplace risk assessment, care of team members, mental health, sanitation and health facilities, stress management and dietary considerations related to ensuring and maintaining safe workplaces in the wake of the pandemic.

Duration (in Hours): Max 6 hrs
Duration (in Days): 3
Useful for – Any Health Care Worker (HCW), Community Health Worker (CHW)
Fee: Free

Module 4 – COVID 19 Deceased Care Protocols

The rising death toll amongst COVID patients, coupled with the fear and confusion related to the safe and effective disposal of the corpse necessitates the spread of awareness regarding proper handling, transportation and cremation of the deceased to limit the spread of the infection. This module focuses on the protocols related to the care of the deceased and precautions to be taken while handling, transportation and burial of the deceased.

Duration (in Hours): Max 6 hrs
Duration (in Days): 3
Useful for – Martury staff, People Handling dead bodies, Class IV, Crematorium people and NGO, Ambulance drivers
Fee: Free

Module 5 – Setting up off-site COVID Vaccination Sites

The approval of 2 COVID vaccines in our country and the launch of one of the largest mass vaccination programs in the world was a ray of hope for many. However, successful implementation of the same requires setting up of a myriad of temporary vaccination sites to vaccinate a large number of people in a relatively short period of time. This module acquaints the learner with the requirements of setting up off site vaccination sites including leadership, staffing, physical requirements and layout, operational guidelines, method of storage of vaccines and effective data management.

Duration (in Hours): Max 16 hrs
Duration (in Days): 8
Useful for – Coprorate HR, Nursing Administrators, Medical administrators, Government Administrators or officers, Other HR people, Matron
Fee: Free

Module 6 – COVID Vaccination Training for Healthcare Worker

The availability of authorized COVID vaccines and setting up of temporary vaccination sites across the country to vaccinate large numbers of people as rapidly as possible requires mobilization of a sufficient number of workforce trained and employed to carry out the vaccination programs. The ‘COVID vaccination training for healthcare workers’ is developed for frontline workers to enable them to understand the types of vaccine, its storage ,handling, administration and specifications. Following completion of this program the frontline worker should be able to effectively participate in the COVID vaccination program by carrying out the steps of the vaccination program, addressing myths and facts of vaccination and managing data.

Duration (in Hours): Max 14 hrs
Duration (in Days): 7
Useful for – Nursing Staff, paramedic staff, ICN department, Community Health Worker (CHW), Resident Medical Officers (RMO’s)
Fee: Free

Module 7 – Infodemic management

In the digital era, social media and tech-enabled platforms are been used to spread awareness and keep people informed about the pandemic situation, preventive measures etc. There are various other modes of communication which are simultaneously delivering false information to the masses resulting in an infodemic. This course introduces the learner to the COVID 19 infodemic and applies evidence based guidance to the same. It covers the key aspects of risk communication and community engagement while establishing and sustaining a covid appropriate behavior.

Duration (in Hours): Max 4 hrs
Duration (in Days): 2
Useful for – Anyone, or else Health Care Worker (HCW Class IV), Community Health Worker (CHW), Anganwadis & Hospital Front office
Fee: Free

Other Healthcare Courses

Explore the paramedical courses at the Delhi, Mohali, Mumbai & Pune Academy

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