HEALTHCARE Careers, a job portal designed for allied healthcare professionals, was launched on 30th Aug’24. The platform provides free access, smart matchmaking, and opportunities for upskilling.
Under Project ASCENT (Alliance for Skill & Capacity ENhancement with Technology), Industry, Academia, and Skill Development organizations came together on 22 Feb'24 at Delhi to discuss workforce development and emerging trends in the healthcare sector.
First knowledge dissemination event for ASCENT project organised at Visakhapatnam on 13th February'24. Industry, Academia, and Skill Development Organisations came together to discuss workforce development in the Logistics and Supply Chain sector.
17 trainers (11 in healthcare and 6 in logistics) are trained in domain training from the Healthcare and Logistics Sector Skill Council.
3 new clusters have already been identified under ASCENT - Navi Mumbai, Chennai and Bhubaneswar.
Chennai Logistics Academy was inaugurated on 18 September'23 and Bhubaneswar Logistics Academy was inaugurated on 11 December'23.
532 students across all 5 healthcare academies are enrolled in Atingi and are undergoing the self-paced content for (General Duty Assistant, Hospital Front Office and Medical Billing Executive, Dialysis Technology and Medical Records Technology)
Project Ascent – Alliance for Skill & Capacity ENhancement with Technology – is a joint initiative by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Tech Mahindra Limited through its implementing arm, Tech Mahindra Foundation (TMF), with the goal of enhancing the skilling ecosystem through technological intervention. The project falls within the framework of the develoPPP programme, implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Basic Life Support (BLS)

About BLS
Get free training in Basic Life Support (BLS), certified by the American Heart Association (AHA). This training is available to nursing staff and allied healthcare professionals with at least 2 years of experience. The training sessions will be held at multiple locations and will last for 6-7 hours.
To register:
– Scan the QR code, or
– Click on “Register Now.”
Note: Please update your resume and upload it in the form.
If selected by our panel, you will be informed about the venue details.
For any questions or concerns, write to academy@
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